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Repairing a Broken A/C Unit

Coil Drainage System Experts in Central Florida

An air conditioning unit is great because of two things; it keeps you and the environment you are in cool and refreshed until it breaks down, and you start to panic. Thereafter, you are left in endless sweltering discomfort that comes with broken air conditioning. Be it your building or property, this happens because the A/C unit stopped working for one reason or the other. Either way, at that particular moment, you are left with two choices. Choice number 1 is to call a technician to diagnose the problem and do an AC system repair, easy. However, a technician or an AC repair company isn’t always a reliable option, considering the sometimes untimely avail, and extra repair costs you will have to pay at the end of the service. Choice number 2, however, is the best way to go; you can do it yourself, or at least do most of the work until your trusted AC repair company comes.

Before you get to repair a broken air conditioning system, however, you need to evaluate your knowledge on all things A/C, just so you know what you are doing. If at all you have some experience with air conditioners and air conditioning units, then you can get to it and try and repair you’re AC. Evidently, a lot of things can make you’re A/C unit stop working, so you will have to check and replace a variety of components and parts that are vital to its operation.

Coil drainage system

These parts include the filters, capacitors, contactors, thermostats, etc. Replacement, in this case, means you will have to buy these relevant parts so that you can incorporate them into the unit. That shouldn’t be a problem, though. They are inexpensive and are very much affordable. Again, replacement should be done once careful and thorough inspection has been done in a bid to verify the failing components. To get a better understanding of each component in detail, here is a bit of context.

The filter in an AC basically filters out dust from the air and once it gets blocked, it can fail to operate, hence a broken air conditioning system. Apart from cleaning it like any other dirty air condenser, replacement is the recommended option. Otherwise, free airflow through it is important.

Remember, the capacitor protects your AC from electrical surges, apart from jump-starting it from rest. Time is what deteriorates its operation and if, unexpectedly, it has reached its end, just use a screwdriver to get it out by shorting it and connect another in its place.

The contactor is an important component, and as you’ll come to find out, the manual to the AC is required as you perform your AC system repair. Its replacement needs to be of a specific model according to the manufacturer, so you need to be careful here. Finally, the thermostat doesn’t have much of a fuss during repairs. All you need to do is to check if it’s fully operational by making sure all the relevant connections are appropriate. Another thing to check as you do your repair is the access panel for loose or cut cables (usually because of pest nests) and fuses. If your AC doesn’t start working even after the repairs, then consult an AC repair company for expert assistance.

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