Frank Gay Services is proud to now serve Daytona Beach and surrounding communities stretching from Palm Coast to Titusville. Call now for fast service from our certified 5-star technicians!

Electrical Generator Installation

Green Electrical Generator

Frank Gay Services offer electrical generator installation as a service. Our company is based in Orlando Florida and our local services technicians are local, licensed, insured and undergo a thorough background screening process before becoming a part of our crew.

Our technicians will assess your needs and give you a complete and comprehensive consultation for the installation of your new generator. The team will help you find a generator that is most energy and cost-efficient solution for your family.

There are several steps to perform an electrical generator installation. Here is an example of the steps it takes to perform Kohler installation:

Electrical Generator Installation Steps
  1. The electrician will install your transfer switch first.
  2. After that’s installed, the team will move your generator in place.
  3. Electric lines will then be connected from your transfer switch to your generator
  4. Once electric is hooked up, your pipefitter will make the proper connections from the fuel source to the generator
  5. After electric and fuel are hooked up, your generator is ready to start and protect your business.
What Is the Estimated Cost of Electrical Generator Installation?

It is estimated that the most simple installation can start anywhere from $2000 and up depending on the ease/difficulty level. The cost varies from one client to the next due to the level of difficulty of installing the fuel source. The best way to get an accurate quote is to have one of our professional technicians come onsite to do a survey and give a quote in person.

Is the Permit Required?

Most of the time a permit is required, but we can help you with that step. Our in house office manager will do all the paperwork to get you the permit that you require to get a brand new generator installed.

Ready to Get an Electrical Generator Installed Today?

Give us a call at  [hls_phone_number].

If you are looking for other services that we provide here is a small list:

  1. Plumbing services
  2. Electrical services
  3. Heating and air conditioning services
  4. General contractor services
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