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How HVAC Systems Can Affect Indoor Air Quality in Orlando, FL

A hand points to a black air quality device on a white wall, displaying a green thumbs-up and the words "AIR QUALITY," offering tips for better air.

Have a feeling that some rooms in your home don’t quite feel the same as others? Maybe you feel a little bit out of sorts in certain parts of your home, or perhaps downright woozy. If you’re nodding your head in agreement, there’s a good chance that your indoor air quality leaves something to be desired. 

Your home’s indoor air quality is particularly sensitive to outdoor pollutants. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that indoor air quality in the average home can become up to ten times more polluted than outdoor air. Thankfully, with the air conditioning installation, maintenance, and repair experts at Frank Gay Services, you can rest easy knowing your indoor air quality will soon be in good hands. 

Why Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Is So Important

If you live in or around the Orlando, FL area, you know that outdoor air quality can sometimes get humid, sticky, and downright unpleasant. Unfortunately, the air quality in your home can often get much worse. 

The worse your home’s indoor air quality is, the bigger the toll it can take on your physical well-being. Poor indoor air quality can cause you and your family to experience anything from little annoyances like stuffy noses and scratchy throats to much more serious issues such as asthma attacks, bacterial infections, and compromised immune systems. 

It’s no wonder, then, that the pros at Frank Gay Services take indoor air quality so seriously when it comes to Orlando, FL homeowners like yourself. If you even have a small suspicion that your indoor air quality is compromised, then it’s time you contact our team to sort matters out. We deliver more than 45+ years of professional air conditioning installation and repair experience to permanently keep the air in your home fresh, clean, and safe to breathe.

Professional Indoor Air Quality Service

There are plenty of things that often lead to poor indoor air quality. More often than not, though, the primary culprits are pets that leave dander, poorly maintained HVAC systems, common cleaning chemicals, and gunked-up AC filters. Not sure how to determine what’s causing your indoor air quality to become polluted? That’s where we come in.

As part of our indoor air quality service for homeowners living in Orlando, FL, we inspect homes for dust accumulation that’s piled up in your furniture, dander and hair left behind by your pets, and dangerous fumes coming from your furnace such as carbon monoxide. Once we track down what’s polluting your indoor air quality, we propose the best course of action to remove your pollutants by relying on our deep experience and wide range of industry-grade tools.

How We Tackle Poor Indoor Air Quality

Once we’ve determined what’s polluting your indoor air, we’ll recommend reliable cleaning methods that you can use on a regular basis. Regular duct cleaning, in particular, is one of the most common cleaning habits we suggest homeowners use to keep indoor air pollutants at bay. Routine duct cleaning is especially important because most air pollutants in your home are colorless and odorless: regularly cleaning your ducts can help you eliminate most of these hard-to-detect pollutants and provide you with peace of mind. 

Additionally, the A/C professionals at Frank Gay Services can improve and maintain the quality of your indoor air with products like air purifiers and cleaners, humidifiers, and ventilators. A combination of regular cleaning habits and our tools and expertise can prevent you and your family from developing health issues caused by indoor pollutants and can keep your home’s indoor air clean one hundred percent of the time.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality With Frank Gay Services

Although it may seem like a minor concern, poor indoor air quality is a serious issue that should be resolved immediately. If you’re worried that your home’s air is polluted but don’t know how to tackle the problem yourself, then you’ve come to the right place. Schedule an appointment with us today or give us a call at (407) 809-1019 to learn about how we can help!

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